Saturday, April 7, 2012

Who can wear Premium Beautiful Corset


Ingat lagi tak bengkung lama ni?

Umi tak penah pakai tapi penah tengok orang lain pakai. Susah ya amat! Ada yang siap ikat kat pintu rumah, pastu pusing2 macam cite hindustan tu. Kenapa nak bersusah payah kalau dah ada yang lebih mudah?

Bertukarlah kepada Premium Beautiful corset! Bukan saja mudah, boleh menghilangkan selulit dan 'stretchmarks'. Dan dalam masa yang singkat, korang boleh dapat bentuk badan asal.


Pic credited to Naa Kamaruddin

For Caeserian delivery, you can start wearing premium beautiful corset after 3 weeks, depending on the wound.


Ada yang dah kahwin bertahun-tahun tapi tak mengandung. Premium beautiful corset InsyaALLAH boleh membantu.

Anak adalah anugerah yang tak ternilai, Apa salahnya kita melabur untuk bakal pewaris kita kan?

Do you know?? Combination of Premium Beautiful andHerba Maharanican help you to conceive by improving your fertility and it is among the CHEAPESTtreatment, yet very EFFECTIVE in the market.

  • Premium Beautiful helps to balance your hormone such as estrogen and progesterone.
  • By just wearing the PB corset, your womb’s position will be stable, strengthen, protected and will be supported at the RIGHT POSITION! (kedudukan rahim lebih stabil, kuat, dan dinaikkan ke posisi yg betul).
  • When the womb is ready, your chance to conceive will be much HIGHER.
  • PB corset can improve your blood circulation and indirectly helps to improve your FERTILITY, means HIGHER CHANCE to CONCEIVE.
  • Obesity (kegemukan) can be one of the factors of infertility (ketidaksuburan - susah hamil), here Premium Beautiful can help you to lose weight.
  • With daily intake of Herba Maharani, your blood count will be increased (menambah darah) and your sexual stamina will be enhanced (tenaga batin).
  • It is also effective to improve your irregular periods (peredaran haid tidak teratur), contracting the uterus muscles after delivery (kecutkan otot rahim selepas bersalin), controlling the hormone level and others such as period pain, discharge (keputihan), and etc.
  •  The effectiveness of this product can be seen after 2-3 months of daily intake.


Siapa yang tanak kelihatan cantik menarik tertarik di hari bersejarah kan? Kahwin sekali, takkan nak yang simple-simple je. Anda boleh mula pakai Premium Beautiful corset dari sekarang, semasa hari bersejarah dan seterusnya. Melabur sekarang tapi untuk masa depan. Tak rugi pon, untung lagi ada. 

4.  Ladies suffering from period pain, slip disc, fibroid, cyst and etc

Period pain memang seksa kan? Macam nak tercabut pinggang. Dengan premium beautiful corset, insyaALLAH akan hilang period pain. Cyst pon boleh hilang tau. Tak caya? Ni testimonial --> Klik sini

Prevention is better than cure right!

last but not least

5. All ladies yang mementingkan kesihatan dan kecantikan

Health come first, beauty come later...

Contact me for free trial and consultation


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